Background. 3

Project Organizations. 4

Construction Activities undertaken during the Reporting Month. 4

Summary of EM&A Requirements. 4

Statues of Environmental Licensing and Permitting. 5

2     AIR Quality.. 6

Monitoring Requirements. 6

Monitoring Locations. 6

Monitoring Equipment 6

Monitoring Parameters, Frequency and Duration. 7

Monitoring Methodology and QA/QC Procedure. 7

Results and Observations. 9

3     noise.. 10

Monitoring Requirements. 10

Monitoring Locations. 10

Monitoring Equipment 10

Monitoring Parameters, Frequency and Duration. 11

Monitoring Methodology and QA/QC Procedure. 11

Results and Observations. 12

4     waste management.. 13

Monitoring Requirements. 13

Results and Observations. 13

5     landscape and visual.. 14

Monitoring Requirements. 14

Results and Observations. 14

6     environmental audit.. 15

Site Audits. 15

Implementation Status of Environmental Mitigation Measures. 15

Implementation Status of Event and Action Plans. 16

Summary of Complaint, Warning, Notification of any Summons and Successful Prosecution. 16

7     future Key issues. 17

Monitoring Schedule for Next Month. 17

8     Conclusions. 18





Table  I............... Summary of Complaint/Summons/Prosecution in the Reporting Month


Table 1.1............ Key Project Contacts

Table 1.2............ Summary of Environmental Licensing and Permit Status

Table 2.1 ........... Locations for Air Quality Monitoring

Table 2.2 ........... Air Quality Monitoring Equipment

Table 2.3 ........... Impact Dust Monitoring Parameters, Frequency and Duration

Table 3.1 ........... Noise Monitoring Stations

Table 3.2 ........... Noise Monitoring Equipment

Table 3.3 ........... Noise Monitoring Parameters, Frequency and Duration

Table 3.4 ........... Baseline Noise Level and Noise Limit Level for Monitoring Stations

Table 4.1............ Quantities of Waste Generated from the Project

Table 6.1............ Observations and Recommendations of Site Inspections

Table 6.2............ Status of Required Submission under Environmental Permit





Figure 1               Site Layout Plan

Figure 2               Project Organisation for Environmental Monitoring and Audit

Figure 3               Location of Monitoring Station





Appendix A         Action and Limit Levels for Air Quality and Noise

Appendix B         Copies of Calibration Certificates

Appendix C         Weather Information

Appendix D         Environmental Monitoring Schedules

Appendix E         1-hour TSP Monitoring Results and Graphical Presentations

Appendix F         24-hour TSP Monitoring Results and Graphical Presentations

Appendix G         Noise Monitoring Results and Graphical Presentations

Appendix H         Summary of Exceedance

Appendix I          Event Action Plans

Appendix J          Environmental Mitigation Implementation Schedule (EMIS)

Appendix K        Summaries of Environmental Complaint, Warning, Summon and Notification of Successful Prosecution

Appendix L         Summary of Waste Generation and Disposal Records

Appendix M        Construction Programme





1.            This is the 11th Monthly Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Report prepared by the Environmental Team (ET), Cinotech Consultants Ltd., for Contract No. HY/2019/13 “Central Kowloon Route – Buildings, Electrical and Mechanical Works”. This report summarized the monitoring results and audit findings of the EM&A programme under the issued EP No. EP-457/2013/D, and in accordance with the EM&A programme in Central Tunnel (Ho Man Tin Area) during the reporting period from 1st November 2024 – 30th November 2024.


2.            The major site activities undertaken in the reporting month included:

l   ABWF Works
l   E&M Installation


Environmental Monitoring Works

3.            Environmental monitoring for the Project was performed in accordance with the EM&A Manual and the monitoring results were checked and reviewed.  Joint weekly site inspections with the representative of ET, Engineer Representative and the Contractor for Contract No. HY/2019/13 were conducted on 5, 12, 19, & 26 November 2024, whereas joint site inspection with the representative of IEC was conducted on 12 November 2024. The implementation of the environmental mitigation measures, Event and Action Plans and environmental complaint handling procedures were also checked.


4.            A summary of the non-compliance (exceedance) during the reporting month (November 2024) and the investigation results and/or follow-up actions is provided below:

Air Quality Monitoring
l   No Action/Limit Level exceedance for 1-hour TSP was recorded.
l   No Action/Limit Level exceedance for 24-hour TSP was recorded.
Noise Monitoring
l   No Action Level exceedance for construction noise was recorded.
l   No Limit Level exceedance for construction noise was recorded.
Landscape and Visual Monitoring
l   No non-conformity for landscape and visual was recorded.



Complaint Handling, Prosecution and Public Engagement

5.            Summary of complaint/summons/prosecution in the reporting month is tabulated in Table I.


Table I       Summary of Complaint/Summons/Prosecution in the Reporting Month


Event Details

Follow-up/ Remedial Actions

Status/ Remarks


Brief Description

Complaints Received





Notification of Summons and Prosecutions Received





Reporting Changes

6.            There were no reporting changes during the reporting month.

Future Key Issues

7.            The key works or activities will be anticipated in the coming two months are as follows:

l   ABWF Works
l   E&M Installation
l   T&C





1.1         Central Kowloon Route (CKR) is a 4.7km long dual 3-lane trunk road across Central Kowloon linking Yau Ma Tei Interchange in West Kowloon and the road network at Kai Tak Development and Kowloon Bay in East Kowloon. The underground tunnel section will be about 3.9km long. In particular, an underground tunnel of about 370m long in Kowloon Bay to the north of To Kwa Wan Typhoon Shelter will be constructed.

1.2         The Environmental Impact Assessment Report for Central Kowloon Route – Design and Construction (Register No.: AEIAR-171/2013) was approved under the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO) on 11 July 2013. An Environmental Permit (EP No.: EP- 457/2013) was issued on 9 August 2013. Variations of Environmental Permit (VEP) was subsequently applied and an EP (EP No. EP-457/2013/C) was issued on 16 January 2017. The latest EP (EP No. EP-457/2013/D) was issued by Environmental Protection Department (EPD) on 15 June 2021.

1.3         The construction of the CKR had been divided into different sections. This Contract No. HY/2019/13 – Central Kowloon Route – Buildings, Electrical and Mechanical Works (“The Project”) will include the architectural, civil and structural construction works of Yau Ma Tei Ventilation Building (YVB), Ho Man Tin Ventilation Building (HVB), Kai Tak Ventilation Building (KVB) and Central Kowloon Route Administration Building (ADB) for the CKR. The landscaping and electrical and mechanical (E&M) works within the building sites will be involved as well.

1.4         Cinotech Consultants Limited was assigned as the Environmental Team (ET) to undertake the EM&A works for the Project. The construction of this Contract was commenced on 12th December 2020.

1.5         The construction work on the Ho Man Tin area under Contract no. HY/2018/08 Central Kowloon Route – Central Tunnel was completed on 31 December 2023. Contract no. HY/2019/13 Central Kowloon Route – Buildings, Electrical and Mechanical Works in Ho Man Tin area was then commenced on 1 January 2024 and took over the site of Ho Man Tin area.

1.6         The baseline report for environmental monitoring was used the same as the HY/2018/08 on the Ho Man Tin area. The baseline air quality and noise monitoring were conducted in January 2018. The baseline monitoring results are presented in the Approved Baseline Monitoring Reports in accordance with EP-457/2013/C Condition 3.3 under Contract no. HY/2014/09 Central Kowloon Route – Ho Man Tin Access Shaft.

1.7         This is the 11th Monthly EM&A Report which summarises the impact monitoring results and audit findings for the EM&A programme in Central Tunnel (Ho Man Tin Area) during the reporting period from 1st November 2024 – 30th November 2024. The Central Tunnel (Ho Man Tin Area) site layout plan for the Project is shown in Figure 1.


Project Organizations

1.8         Different Parties with different levels of involvement in the project organization include:

l   Project Proponent – Highways Department (HyD)
l   Engineer Representative (ER) – Arup – Mott MacDonald Joint Venture (AMMJV)
l   Environmental Team (ET) – Cinotech Consultants Limited (Cinotech)
l   Independent Environmental Checker (IEC) – Environmental Resources Management – Hong Kong Limited (ERM)
l   Contractor – Gammon Construction Limited (GCL)


1.9         The key contacts of the Project are shown in Table 1.1.

Table 1.1   Key Project Contacts     



Contact Person

Phone No.


Engineer Representative

Mr. Tommy Wong

3695 0419


Environmental Team

Ms. Betty Choi

2151 2072


Independent Environmental Checker

Ms. Mandy To

2271 3113



Mr. William Chan

5408 3045


1.10     The Organizational Structure for Environmental Management is shown in Figure 2.

Construction Activities undertaken during the Reporting Month

1.11     The construction programme is presented in Appendix M.

1.12     The major site activities undertaken in the reporting month included:

l   ABWF Works
l   E&M Installation

Summary of EM&A Requirements

1.13     The EM&A programme requires air quality monitoring, noise monitoring, landscape and visual monitoring, and environmental site audit. The EM&A requirements for each parameter are described in the following sections, including:

l   Environmental requirements and mitigation measures, as recommended in the EM&A Manual under the EP.

1.14     The advice on the implementation status of environmental protection and pollution control/mitigation measures is summarized in Section 6 of this report.


Statues of Environmental Licensing and Permitting

1.15     All permits/licenses obtained for the Project are summarized in Table 1.2.

Table 1.2   Summary of Environmental Licensing and Permit Status

Permit / License No.

Valid Period




Environmental Permit (EP)


15 Jun 2021



Notification of Construction Works under Air Pollution Control Ordinance (APCO)


19 Jun 2020

End of Project


Billing Account for Construction Waste Disposal


26 Jun 2020



Registration of Chemical Waste Producer – Ho Man Tin


28 Nov 2023



Wastewater Discharge Licence - Ho Man Tin


2 Feb 2024

31 Jan 2029


Construction Noise Permit - Ho Man Tin


14 Oct 2024

13 Apr 2025




2               AIR Quality

Monitoring Requirements

2.1         According to EM&A Manual under the EP, 1-hour and 24-hour TSP monitoring were conducted to monitor the air quality for this Project. For regular impact monitoring, a sampling frequency of at least once in every six days at all of the monitoring stations for 24-hour TSP monitoring. For 1-hour TSP monitoring, the sampling frequency of at least three times in every six days shall be undertaken when the highest dust impact occurs. Appendix A shows the established Action/Limit Levels for the environmental monitoring works.

Monitoring Locations

2.2         Only one designated monitoring station was selected for 1-hour and 24-hour TSP impact dust monitoring programme. Both dust monitoring was conducted at the designated monitoring station (M-A3).

2.3         Table 2.1 describes the air quality monitoring locations, which are also depicted in Figure 3.

Table 2.1   Locations for Air Quality Monitoring

Monitoring Stations


Location of Measurement


S.K.H. Tsoi Kung Po Secondary School

Rooftop (above 3/F) Area


Monitoring Equipment

2.4         Table 2.2 summarizes the equipment used in the impact air monitoring programme. Copies of calibration certificates are attached in Appendix B.


Table 2.2   Air Quality Monitoring Equipment


Model and Make

Serial No.






1-hour TSP Dust Meter

Dust Monitor System OC-9200



High Volume Sampler

TE-5170 c/w of TSP sampling inlet



Wind Anemometer






Monitoring Parameters, Frequency and Duration

2.5         Table 2.3 summarizes the monitoring parameters and frequencies of impact dust monitoring for the whole construction period. The air quality monitoring schedule for the reporting month is shown in Appendix D.


Table 2.3   Impact Dust Monitoring Parameters, Frequency and Duration



1-hour TSP

Three times / 6 days

24-hour TSP

Once / 6 days


Monitoring Methodology and QA/QC Procedure

1-hour TSP Monitoring
Measuring Procedures

2.6         The measuring procedures of the 1-hour dust meters were in accordance with the Manufacturer’s Instruction Manual as follows: (OC-9200 Dust Monitoring System)

l   The 1-hour dust meter is placed at least 1.3 meters above ground.
l   Set POWER to “ON” and make sure that the battery level was not flash or in low level.
l   Allow the instrument to stand for about 3 minutes and then the cap of the air sampling inlet has been released.
l   Push the knob at MEASURE position.
l   Set time/mode setting to [BG] by pushing the time setting switch. Then, start the background measurement by pushing the start/stop switch once.  It will take 6 sec. to complete the background measurement.
l   Push the time setting switch to change the time setting display to [MANUAL] at the bottom left of the liquid crystal display.  
l   Finally, push the start/stop switch to stop the measuring after 1 hour sampling.
l   Information such as sampling date, time, count value and site condition were recorded during the monitoring period.

2.7         The following maintenance/calibration was required for the direct dust meters:

l   Check and calibrate the meter by HVS to check the validity and accuracy of the results measured by direct reading method at 2-month intervals throughout all stages of the air quality monitoring.


24-hour TSP Monitoring

2.8         High volume (HVS) samplers (Model TE-5170), completed with appropriate sampling inlets, were employed for 24-hour TSP monitoring.  The sampler was composed of a motor, a filter holder, a flow controller and a sampling inlet and its performance specification complied with that required by USEPA Standard Title 40, Code of Federation Regulations Chapter 1 (Part 50). Moreover, the HVS also met all the requirements in section 2.5 of the updated EM&A Manual.

2.9         The positioning of the HVS samplers are as follows:

l   A horizontal platform was provided with appropriate support to secure the samplers against gusty wind.
l   No two samplers were placed less than 2 meters apart.
l   The distance between the sampler and an obstacle, such as buildings, was at least twice the height that the obstacle protrudes above the sampler.
l   A minimum of 2 meters of separation from walls, parapets and penthouses was required for rooftop samples.
l   A minimum of 2 meters separation from any supporting structure, measured horizontally was required.
l   No furnaces or incineration flues were nearby.
l   Airflow around the sampler was unrestricted.
l   The sampler was more than 20 meters from the drip line.
l   Any wire fence and gate, to protect the sampler, should not cause any obstruction during monitoring.
Operating/analytical procedures for the operation of HVS

2.10     Operating/analytical procedures for the air quality monitoring are highlighted as follows:

l   Prior to the commencement of the dust sampling, the flow rate of the high volume sampler was properly set (between 1.1 m3/min. and 1.4 m3/min.) in accordance with the manufacturer’s instruction to within the range recommended in USEPA Standard Title 40, CFR Part 50.
l   For TSP sampling, fiberglass filters have a collection efficiency of > 99% for particles of 0.3μm diameter were used.
l   The power supply was checked to ensure the sampler worked properly. On sampling, the sampler was operated for 5 minutes to establish thermal equilibrium before placing any filter media at the designated air monitoring station.
l   The filter holding frame was then removed by loosening the four nuts and a weighted and conditioned filter was carefully centred with the stamped number upwards, on a supporting screen.
l   The filter was aligned on the screen so that the gasket formed an airtight seal on the outer edges of the filter.  Then the filter holding frame was tightened to the filter holder with swing bolts. The applied pressure should be sufficient to avoid air leakage at the edges.
l   The shelter lid was closed and secured with the aluminium strip.
l   The timer was then programmed. Information was recorded on the record sheet, which included the starting time, the weather condition and the filter number (the initial weight of the filter paper can be found by using the filter number).
l   After sampling, the filter was removed and sent to the HOKLAS laboratory (High Precision Chemical Testing Ltd.) for weighing.  The elapsed time was also recorded.
l   Before weighing, all filters were equilibrated in a conditioning environment for 24 hours.
l   The conditioning environment temperature should be between 25°C and 30°C and not vary by more than ±3°C; the relative humidity (RH) should be < 50% and not vary by more than ±5%. A convenient working RH is 40%.

2.11     The following maintenance/calibration was required for the HVS:

l   The high-volume motors and their accessories were properly maintained. Appropriate maintenance such as routine motor brushes replacement and electrical wiring checking were made to ensure that the equipment and necessary power supply are in good working condition.
l   High volume samplers were calibrated at bi-monthly intervals using TE-5025A Calibration Kit through\hout all stages of the air quality monitoring.

Results and Observations

2.12     All 1-hour TSP monitoring was conducted as scheduled in the reporting month.

2.13     No Action/Limit Level exceedance of the 1-hour TSP monitoring was recorded.

2.14     All 24-hour TSP monitoring was conducted as scheduled in the reporting month.

2.15     No Action/Limit Level exceedance of the 24-hour TSP monitoring was recorded.

2.16     The weather information for the reporting month is summarized in Appendix C.

2.17     The monitoring data and graphical presentations of 1-hour and 24-hour TSP monitoring results are shown in Appendix E and Appendix F respectively.

2.18     No exceedance was recorded for the air quality monitoring. The summary of exceedance record in reporting month is shown in Appendix H.

2.19     Site audits were carried out on a weekly basis to monitor and audit the timely implementation of air quality mitigation measures within the site boundaries of this Project.  The summary of site audits is shown in Table 6.1 of this report.

2.20     According to our field observations during the monitoring, the major dust source identified at the designated air quality monitoring stations are road traffic dust, exposed site area and open stockpiles, excavation works and site vehicle movements.


3               noise

Monitoring Requirements

3.1         According to EM&A Manuals under the EP, construction noise monitoring was conducted to monitor the construction noise arising from the construction activities. The regular monitoring frequency for each monitoring station shall be on a weekly basis and conduct one set of measurements between 0700 and 1900 hours on normal weekdays. Appendix A shows the established Action and Limit Levels for the environmental monitoring works.

Monitoring Locations

3.2         Only one designated monitoring station was selected for the noise monitoring programme. Noise monitoring was conducted at the designated monitoring station (M-N3).

3.3         Table 3.1 describes the noise monitoring locations, which are also depicted in Figure 3.


Table 3.1   Noise Monitoring Stations

Monitoring Stations


Location of Measurement


S.K.H. Tsoi Kung Po Secondary School

Rooftop (above 3/F) Area


Monitoring Equipment

3.4         Table 3.2 summarizes the noise monitoring equipment. Copies of calibration certificates are provided in Appendix B.


Table 3.2   Noise Monitoring Equipment


Model and Make

Serial No.


Sound Calibrator

Hangzhou Aihua Instruments Co., Ltd. AWA6021A



Integrating Sound Level Meter




BSWA Technology BSWA 308

570188, 580156




Monitoring Parameters, Frequency and Duration

3.5         Table 3.3 summarizes the monitoring parameters, frequency and total duration of monitoring.  The noise monitoring schedule is shown in Appendix D.


Table 3.3   Noise Monitoring Parameters, Frequency and Duration

Monitoring Stations






L10(30 min.) dB(A)

L90(30 min.) dB(A)

Leq(30 min.) dB(A)

0700-1900 hrs on normal weekdays

Once per week



Monitoring Methodology and QA/QC Procedure

3.6         The procedures for noise monitoring were as follows:

l   The Sound Level Meter was set on a tripod at a height of 1.2 m above the ground.
l   The battery condition was checked to ensure the correct functioning of the meter.
l   Parameters such as frequency weighting, the time weighting and the measurement time were set as follows:
— frequency weighting              : A
— time weighting                       : Fast
— time measurement                  : 30 minutes
l   Prior to and after each noise measurement, the meter was calibrated using a Calibrator for 94.0 dB at 1000 Hz.  If the difference in the calibration level before and after measurement was more than 1.0 dB, the measurement would be considered invalid and repeat of noise measurement would be required after re-calibration or repair of the equipment.
l   The wind speed was frequently checked with the portable wind meter.
l   At the end of the monitoring period, the Leq, L90 and L10 were recorded. In addition, site conditions and noise sources were recorded on a standard record sheet.
l   Noise measurement was paused temporarily during periods of high intrusive noise if possible and observation was recorded when intrusive noise was not avoided.
l   Noise monitoring was cancelled in the presence of fog, rain, and wind with a steady speed exceeding 5 m/s, or wind with gusts exceeding 10 m/s.
Maintenance and Calibration

3.7         The microphone head of the sound level meter and calibrator were cleaned with a soft cloth at quarterly intervals. 

3.8         The sound level meter and calibrator were checked and calibrated at yearly intervals.

3.9         Immediately prior to and following each noise measurement the accuracy of the sound level meter shall be checked using an acoustic calibrator generating a known sound pressure level at a known frequency. Measurements may be accepted as valid only if the calibration levels from before and after the noise measurement agree to within 1.0 dB.


Results and Observations

3.10     All construction noise monitoring was conducted as scheduled in the reporting month.

3.11     The Baseline Noise Level and the Noise Limit Level at the designated noise monitoring station are presented in Table 3.4.

Table 3.4   Baseline Noise Level and Noise Limit Level for Monitoring Stations

Monitoring Stations

Baseline Noise Level, dB (A)

Noise Limit Level, dB (A)



(at 0700 – 1900 hrs on normal weekdays)


(at 0700 – 1900 hrs on normal weekdays)

(*) Noise Limit Level is 65 dB(A) during school examination periods.

Note (1): The noise level due to the construction work (CNL) was calculated by the following formula:

CNL = 10 log (10MNL/10 – 10BNL/10)

 Remarks: MNL = Measured Noise Level,   BNL = Baseline Noise Level 


3.12     No Action Level and Limit Level exceedance was recorded. The summary of exceedance record in reporting month is shown in Appendix H. 

3.13     Noise monitoring results and graphical presentations are shown in Appendix G.

3.14     Site audits were carried out on a weekly basis to monitor and audit the timely implementation of construction noise mitigation measures within the site boundaries of this Project.  The summary of site audits are shown in Table 6.1 of this report.

3.15      According to our field observations during the monitoring, the major noise sources identified at the designated noise monitoring stations are road traffic noise, site vehicle movement, excavation works and daily school activities.


4               waste management

Monitoring Requirements

4.1         Waste generated from this Project includes inert construction and demolition (C&D) materials and non-inert C&D materials. Inert C&D waste includes soil, broken rock, broken concrete and building debris, while non-inert C&D materials are made up of C&D waste which cannot be reused or recycled and has to be disposed of at the designated landfill sites.

Results and Observations

4.2         The quantities of different types of waste generated in the reporting month are summarised in Table 4.1. Details of the amount of wastes generated by the major site activities of this Project during the reporting month is shown in Appendix L.

Table 4.1   Quantities of Waste Generated from the Project



Inert C&D Materials

Non-inert C&D Materials

Reporting Period

Total Quantity


(in '000m3)

Disposed as

Public Fill (in '000m3)

Others, e.g.

general refuse (in '000m3)


(in '000kg)



(in '000kg)


(in '000kg)

Chemical waste (in '000kg)

Nov 2024








4.3         Site audits were carried out on a weekly basis to monitor and audit to ensure that proper storage, transportation, and disposal practices of waste materials generated during construction activities, such as construction and demolition (C&D) materials and general refuse are being implemented. The summary of site audits is shown in Table 6.1 of this report. The implementation status of the waste/chemical management measures in the reporting period are summarized in Appendix J.


5               landscape and visual

Monitoring Requirements

5.1         According to the EM&A Manual, site audits would be undertaken during the construction phase of the Project to check that the proposed landscape and visual mitigation measures are properly implemented and maintained as per their intended objectives. Site inspections of the implementation of landscape and visual mitigation measures would be undertaken at least once every two weeks during the construction period.

Results and Observations

5.2         Bi-weekly inspection of the implementation of landscape and visual mitigation measures within the site boundaries of this Project was conducted on 5 & 19 November 2024. The implementation status of the landscape and visual mitigation measures in the reporting period are summarized in Appendix J. The summary of observations and recommendations made for landscape and visual mitigation measures during site audits are shown in Table 6.1 of this report.

5.3         No non-compliance of the landscape and visual impact was recorded in the reporting month.

5.4         Should non-compliance of the landscape and visual impact occur, action in accordance with the action plan presented in Appendix I shall be performed.



6               environmental audit

Site Audits

6.1         Site audits were carried out on a weekly basis to monitor the timely implementation of proper environmental management practices and mitigation measures in the Project site. 

6.2         Site audits for Contract No. HY/2019/13 were conducted on 5, 12, 19, & 26 November 2024 in the reporting month.  Joint site inspection with the representative of IEC was conducted on 12 November 2024. No non-compliance was observed during the site audit.

Implementation Status of Environmental Mitigation Measures

6.3         According to Environmental Permit, the approved EIA Report (Register No.: AEIAR-171/2013), and the EM&A Manual of the Project, the mitigation measures detailed in the documents are recommended to be implemented during the construction phase.  An Environmental Mitigation Implementation Schedule (EMIS) is provided in Appendix J.

6.4         The ET weekly site inspections were carried out during the reporting month and the observations and follow-up actions in Ho Man Tin Area are summarized in Table 6.1.

Table 6.1   Observations and Recommendations of Site Inspections




Follow-up Actions

Water Quality


No environmental deficiency was identified in the reporting period.


Air Quality


No environmental deficiency was identified in the reporting period.




No environmental deficiency was identified in the reporting period.


Waste / Chemical Management

5 Nov 2024

General refuse should be disposed of regularly.

General refuse has been removed.

Land Contamination


No environmental deficiency was identified in the reporting period.


Landscape and Visual


No environmental deficiency was identified in the reporting period.


Permits /Licences


No environmental deficiency was identified in the reporting period.




Implementation Status of Event and Action Plans

6.5         The Event Action Plans for air quality, noise and landscape and visual are presented in Appendix I.

Air Quality Monitoring
l   No Action/Limit Level exceedance for 1-hour TSP was recorded.
l   No Action/Limit Level exceedance for 24-hour TSP was recorded.
Noise Monitoring
l   No Action Level exceedance for noise was recorded.
l   No Limit Level exceedance for noise was recorded.
Landscape and Visual Monitoring
l   No non-conformity for landscape and visual was recorded.

Summary of Complaint, Warning, Notification of any Summons and Successful Prosecution

6.6         No environmental complaints and warnings, notifications of summons and successful prosecutions were received in the reporting month.

6.7         The summary of environmental complaint, warning, summon and notification of successful prosecution for the Project is presented in Appendix K.

6.8         Status of required submission under EP-457/2013/D during the reporting period are summarized in Table 6.2.

Table 6.2   Status of Required Submission under Environmental Permit

EP Condition



Submission Date

Condition 3.4

Monthly EM&A Report (October 2024)

12 November 2024




7               future Key issues

7.1         Major site activities undertaken for the coming two months include:

l   ABWF Works
l   E&M Installation
l   T&C


7.2         Key environmental issues in the coming two months include:

l   Stockpile accumulation on-site;
l   Water spraying for dust generating activities and on haul road;
l   Wastewater and runoff discharge from site;
l   Coverage of open manholes to avoid dirty runoff to drainage system;
l   Noise from operation of the equipment, especially for excavation works and machinery onsite;
l   Accumulation of general refuse and construction waste on-site;
l   Proper storage of construction materials on-site; and
l   Storage of chemicals/fuel and chemical waste/waste oil on-site.


Monitoring Schedule for Next Month

7.3         The tentative environmental monitoring schedules for next month are shown in Appendix D.


8               Conclusions

8.1         This is the 11th Monthly EM&A Report which presents the EM&A works undertaken in Ho Man Tin area during the reporting month from 1st November 2024 – 30th November 2024 in accordance with the EM&A Manual and the requirements under the EP.

Air Quality Monitoring

8.2         All 1-hr TSP monitoring was conducted as scheduled in the reporting month.

8.3         No Action/Limit Level exceedance was recorded for all 1-hour TSP monitoring in the reporting month.

8.4         All 24-hr TSP monitoring was conducted as scheduled in the reporting month.

8.5         No Action/Limit Level exceedance was recorded for all 24-hour TSP monitoring in the reporting month.

Construction Noise Monitoring

8.6         All construction noise monitoring was conducted as scheduled in the reporting month.

8.7         No Action Level and Limit Level exceedance was recorded.

Landscape and visual

8.8         No non-compliance was recorded in the reporting month.

Site Audit  

8.9         4 ET joint weekly environmental site inspections were conducted in the reporting month. Joint weekly site inspections with the representative of ET, Engineer Representative and the Contractor for Contract No. HY/2019/13 were conducted on 5, 12, 19 & 26 November 2024, whereas joint site inspection with the representative of IEC was conducted on 12 November 2024. All environmental deficiencies observed during site inspections were rectified by the Contractor.

Complaint, Notification of Summons and Successful Prosecution

8.10     No environmental complaints and notifications of summons and successful prosecutions were received in the reporting month.


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I.      Introduction

This is the 63rd Monthly EM&A Report prepared by Fugro Technical Services Limited for the Contract No. HY/2018/08 Central Kowloon Route – Central Tunnel. The Contract No. HY/2018/08 commenced on 19 September 2019. This report summarized the monitoring results and audits findings of the EM&A programme under the issued EP (EP No.: EP-457/2013/D) and in accordance with the EM&A Manual during the reporting period from 01/11/2024 to 30/11/2024.


II.      Summary of Main Works Undertaken and Key Measures Implemented

The main construction works carried out in the reporting period were as follow:


Yau Ma Tei

·          Site reinstatement work.


Ma Tau Kok

·          Plant and material lifting;

·          Cut and cover construction.


Kai Tak Barging Point

·          Material storage.


Sheung Lok Street

·          Site reinstatement work.


Ma Hang Chung Road

·          Site reinstatement work.


III.      Summary of Exceedances, Investigation and Follow-up

The last impact monitoring conducted by ET of Contract HY/2018/08 at M-A3/ M-N3 was on 27 December 2023. Impact monitoring at M-A3/ M-N3 was subsequently conducted by Environmental Team of Contract HY/2019/13 since January 2024. The monitoring results at M-A3 and M-N3 are presented in the monthly EM&A Report prepared by Contract No. HY/2019/13.


No Action and Limit Level exceedance was recorded for construction dust monitoring in the reporting month.


No Action and Limit Level exceedance was recorded for construction noise monitoring in the reporting month.


IV.      Complaint Handling, Prosecution and Public Engagement.

All complaints received in the last reporting month were finalized.


No complaints were received in the reporting month.


The complaint cases in October and November 2024 are summarized in Table I.


Table I    Environmental Complaints Log

Complaint Log No.

Date of Complaint

Received From

Nature of Complaint



29 October 2024

Contractor’s Hotline

Noise nuisance at MTK Site

Updated as an enquiry instead of complaint according to the latest Complaint Log received from Contractor.


31 October 2024

Contractor’s Hotline

Noise nuisance at MTK Site

The Complaint Log No. of EC204_CKRCT20241031_818 was updated to EC203_CKRCT20241031_818. Investigation report was finalized on 28th November 2024.


No notification of summons and prosecutions were received in the reporting period.


No public engagement activities were conducted in the reporting period.


V.      Reporting Change

There were no reporting changes during the reporting month.


VI.      Future Key Issues

The main works will be anticipated in the next reporting period are as follow:


Yau Ma Tei

·          Site reinstatement work.


Ma Tau Kok

·          Plant and material lifting;

·          Cut and cover construction.


Portion 17

·          Slope work maintenance.


The recommended mitigation measures corresponding to the main works in the next reporting period are listed as follow:

·          Good relationship shall be maintained with the nearby sensitive receivers/ stakeholders which may be affected by the construction works such as providing better/ more detail information of the work nature and inform in advance of the works to the nearby residents;

·          Any excavated, stockpile of dusty material or load of dusty materials on a vehicle leaving a construction site should be covered entirely by impervious sheeting;

·          All construction plants / machineries should be checked / serviced on a regular basis during the courses of construction to minimize the emission of noise generation and eliminate dark smoke emission;

·          All C&D materials generated should be transported and stored at temporary storage area. Suitable materials should be sorted for reuse on-site;

·          Every vehicle shall be cleaned thorough at the designated wheel washing area onsite;

·          Wastewater generated from drilling shall be properly collected for reuse or treated by wastewater treatment facilities before discharge;

·          Provision of drip trays for equipment likely cause spillage of chemical / fuel, and provide routine maintenance;

·          Erecting temporary noise barrier for noisy Powered Mechanical Equipment (PME) and deployment of Quality Powered Mechanical Equipment (QPME) as many as practicable;

·          Conditions in the Environmental Permit and License should be followed;

·          All recommended mitigation measures specified in the approved EIA Report and EM&A Manual shall be implemented;

·          All vehicles should be cleaned before leaving the construction site to ensure no muddy deposited by them on roads.


The following EP submissions were submitted during the reporting month:


Table II   Status of Required Submission under Environmental Permit

EP Condition


Submission Date


Monthly EM&A Report

(October 2024)

  8 November 2024










1           INTRODUCTION

1.1      Background

1.2      Project Organization

1.3      Construction Programme and Activities

1.4      Works undertaken during the month

1.5      Status of Environmental Licences, Notification and Permits


2.1      Construction Dust and Noise Monitoring Locations

2.2      Construction Dust Monitoring

2.3      Construction Noise Monitoring

2.4      Landscape and Visual


3.1      Construction Dust Monitoring

3.2      Construction Noise Monitoring

3.3      Waste Management

3.4      Landscape and Visual



5.1      Complaint Handling, Prosecution and Public Engagement

5.2      Summary of Environmental Non-Compliance

5.3      Summary of Monitoring Exceedance












Table I – Environmental Complaints Log

Table II – Status of Required Submission under Environmental Permit

Table 1.1 – Contact Information of Key Personnel

Table 1.2 – Environmental Licenses, Notification and Permits Summary

Table 2.1 – Construction Dust and Noise Monitoring Location

Table 2.2 – Construction Noise Monitoring Parameters, Frequency and Duration

Table 4.1 – Observations and Recommendation of Site Inspection in the Reporting Period

Table 5.1 – Environmental Complaints Log

Table 6.1 – Status of Required Submission under Environmental Permit



Figure 1        The Site Layout Plan of the Contract 

Figure 2.1     The Location of the Construction Dust and Noise Monitoring Stations (Ho Man Tin)

Figure 2.2    The Location of the Construction Dust and Noise Monitoring Stations (Ma Tau Kok)

Figure 2.3    The Location of the Construction Dust and Noise Monitoring Stations (Yau Ma Tei)



Appendix A  Construction Programme

Appendix B  Project Organization Chart                

Appendix C  Event and Action Plan

Appendix D Implementation Status of Environment Mitigation Measures (Construction Phase)

Appendix E  Cumulative Statistics on Exceedances, Complaints, Notifications of Summons and Successful Prosecutions

Appendix F  Waste Flow Table


1.1       Background

1.1.1      In order to meet the traffic demand and relieve traffic congestion on the existing east-west roads across Central Kowloon, Central Kowloon Route (CKR) (hereinafter referred to as “the Project”) is proposed which is a 4.7 km long dual 3-lane trunk road in Central Kowloon linking Yau Ma Tei Interchange in West Kowloon with the road network on Kai Tak Development and Kowloon Bay in East Kowloon.

1.1.2      The Central Kowloon Route – Design and Construction Environmental Impact Assessment Report (Register No.: AEIAR-171/2013) was approved with conditions by the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) on 11 July 2013. An Environmental Permit (EP-457/2013) was issued on 9 August 2013. A variation of EP (VEP-594/2021) was applied on 26 May 2021 and the latest EP (EP-457/2013/D) was issued by EPD on 15 June 2021.

1.1.3      Contract No. HY/2018/08 Central Kowloon Route – Central Tunnel (hereinafter referred to as “the Contract”), is one of the contracts of CKR which included the construction of the central tunnel, cut-and-cover tunnels at Yau Ma Tei and Ma Tau Kok and construction of piles and diaphragm walls for Ho Man Tin ventilation building.

1.1.4      Fugro Technical Services Limited (FTS) was appointed by Bouygues Travaux Publics (BTP) as the Environmental Team (ET) under the Contract no. HY/2018/08 to execute the environmental monitoring and audit (EM&A) programme under the issued EP (EP No.: EP-457/2013/D) and in accordance with the EM&A Manual.

1.1.5      This is the 63rd Monthly EM&A Report prepared by FTS for the Contract No. HY/2018/08 Central Kowloon Route – Central Tunnel. The Contract No. HY/2018/08 commenced on 19 September 2019. This report summarized the monitoring results and audits findings of the EM&A programme under the issued EP (EP No.: EP-457/2013/D) and in accordance with the EM&A Manual during the reporting period from 01/11/2024 to 30/11/2024.

1.2      Project Organization

1.2.1      The Project Organization structure is shown in Appendix B. The key personnel contact names and numbers are summarized in Table 1.1.

Table 1.1                Contact Information of Key Personnel





Highways Department (HyD)


Mr. Joe Lam

2762 3380

Arup-Mott MacDonald Joint Venture (AMMJV)

Senior Resident Engineer

Mr. Ben Poon

3619 5967

ERM-Hong Kong, Limited (ERM)

Independent Environmental Checker (IEC)

Ms. Mandy To

2271 3000

Bouygues Travaux Publics (BTP)

Environmental Manager

Mr. Simon Wong

9281 4346

Fugro Technical Services Limited

ET Leader

Mr. Calvin Leung

3565 4441


1.3      Construction Programme and Activities

1.3.1      The construction phase of this Contract under the EP commenced in October 2019. The site layout plan of the Contract is shown in Figure 1.

1.3.2      The construction programme of this Contract is shown in Appendix A.

1.4      Works undertaken during the month

1.4.1      The main construction works carried out in the reporting period were as follow:

Yau Ma Tei

·          Site reinstatement work.


Ma Tau Kok

·          Plant and material lifting;

·          Cut and cover construction.


Kai Tak Barging Point

·          Material storage.


Sheung Lok Street

·          Site reinstatement work.


Ma Hang Chung Road

·          Site reinstatement work.


1.5      Status of Environmental Licences, Notification and Permits

1.5.1      A summary of the relevant permits, licenses and/or notifications on environmental protection for this Contract is presented in Table 1.2.

Table 1.2                Environmental Licenses, Notification and Permits Summary

Permit/ Notification/ License

Reference No

Valid From

Valid Till

Form NB

448930, 448970, 448971

Mid-Sep 2019


Billing Account for Disposal of C&D waste

Account no. 7034790

06 Aug 2019


Chemical Waste Producer Registration (Ho Man Tin Construction site)


25 Sep 2019


Chemical Waste Producer Registration (Yau Ma Tei Construction site)


19 Apr 2021


Chemical Waste Producer Registration (Ma Tau Kok Construction site)


19 Apr 2021


Construction Noise Permit

Construction Noise Permit (Yau Ma Tei Construction site)


1 Sep 2024

28 Feb 2025

Construction Noise Permit (Ma Tau Kok Construction site)


1 Sep 2024

28 Feb 2025

Water Discharge License

Water Discharge License



(Portion 18)

02 Apr 2020

30 Apr 2025


(Yau Ma Tei Construction site)

07 Apr 2021

30 Apr 2026


(Ma Tau Kok Construction site)

30 Apr 2021

30 Apr 2026


(Sheung Lok Street)

13 Oct 2022

31 Oct 2027


(Ma Hang Chung Road)

4 Dec 2023

31 Dec 2028


(Kai Tak Barging Facility)

12 Jul 2022

31 Jul 2027